Perlakuan Khusus Terhadap Narapidana Lanjut Usia Dalam Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Dan Kesehatan Di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan

Elang Suryandaru


Being elder is a phase that everybody will deal with it, indicated by the ability of physically and mentally decreased. The physical frequency that starts to weaken and get sick causes it to become unproductive and even dependent on others. Elderly people are categorized as vulnerable groups that must get special treatments, especially the elderly prisoner who serve a sentence in the prison. It is something that must be considered in fulfilling the human rights of elderly prisoners, both in terms of services and infrastructure needed. This research aim is to see what the implementation of the treatments of the elderly prisoners in the Correctional Database Systemis like. Especially, in the maintenance and the improvement of their well-being and health status, with the purpose of not adding to the burden that must be taken away from their rights of freedom and the physical condition of illness suffered as an elderly person. According to the data from Correctional Database SystemDatabase System on February 2020, the numbers of all elderly prisoners in the Indonesian Correctional Database Systemwas 3.555 prisoners, at least 2% of the total prisoners throughout Indonesia. With this research, it is hoped that the placement of elderly prisoners and the improvement of their well-being and health status can be carried out as well as possible in order to fulfill the rights of prisoners.


Elderly; Prisoner, Health; Treatment

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