Zat/hormon pengatur tumbuh memegang peranan untuk memacu pertumbuhan tanaman. Zat pengatur tumbuh kelompok auxin mampu memacu pertumbuhan tanaman dengan mempercepat pembesaran sel tanaman. Pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh auxin dari air kelapa terfermentasi pada pembibitan akan memacu pertumbuhan bibit tanaman yang selanjutnya dapat memacu pertumbuhan tanaman. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan tanaman dengan pengaplikasian air kelapa terfermentasi. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari K0 = tanpa pemberian air kelapa, K1 = pemberian air kelapa terfermentasi dengan air (1 : 1), K2 = pemberian air kelapa terfermentasi dengan air (1 : 2), K3 = pemberian air kelapa terfermentasi dengan air (1 : 3), K4 = pemberian air kelapa terfermentasi dengan air (1 : 4). Pengamatan pertumbuhan pada parameter panjang tanaman dan jumlah daun, mulai umur 20 hst sampai umur 60 hst. Pengamatan hasil pada umur 60 hst, meliputi berat basah tanaman dan berat kering tanaman sawi. Analisis data menggunakan anova, uji rata-rata perlakuan menggunakan beda nyata jujur (BNJ). Perlakuan aplikasi air kelapa yang difermentasi mengandung zat pengatur tumbuh auxin mempengaruhi pembentukan panjang tanaman dan jumlah daun tanaman sawi pada umur 20 sampai 60 hst. Perlakuan P2 menghasilkan berat basah 119,14 g/tnm dan bering tanaman 8.85 g/tanaman yang tertinggi saat panen.
Growth regulators substances/hormone play a role to stimulate plant growth. The growth regulators of the auxin group are able to stimulate plant growth by accelerating the enlargement of plant cells. Provision of growth regulator auxin from fermented coconut water in nurseries will stimulate the growth of plant seeds which in turn can stimulate plant growth. The aim of the study was to determine plant growth by applying fermented coconut water. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments consisted of K0 = without giving coconut water, K1 = giving fermented coconut water with water (1 : 1) ratio, K2 = giving fermented coconut water with water (1 : 2) ratio, K3 = giving fermented coconut water with water (1 : 3 ) ratio, K4 = giving fermented coconut water with water (1 : 4) ratio. Observation on the growth of plant length and number of leaves, from the age of 20 day after planting (DAP) to 60 DAP. Observation results at the mustard age of 60 DAP, including the wet weight of the plant and the dry weight of the mustard plant. Analysis of the data using ANOVA, test the average treatment using Tukey Test. The application treatment of fermented coconut water containing the growth regulator auxin affects the formation of plant length and number of leaves of mustard plants at the age of 20 to 60 days after planting. The P2 treatment resulted in a fresh weight of 119.14 g/plant and a dry weigtht of 8.85 g/plant which was the highest yield at harvest.Keywords
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