
  • Siska Efendi Universitas Andalas



Cabai, coccinellidae predator, musuh alami, pengendalian hayati, chili peppers, predatory, natural enemies, biological control


ABSTRAKAphis gossypii Glover merupakan salah satu hama penting pada tanaman cabai. Salah satu metode pengendalian yang ramah lingkungan dan efektif adalah  menggunakan Coccinellidae predator yang memiliki keanekaragaman rendah pada tanaman cabai. Kehadiran Coccinellidae predator secara alami selalu terlambat dibandingkan A. gossypii. Pengendalian hama tersebut dapat dioptimalkan melalui rekayasa ekosistem dengan penanaman tanaman refugia dan tanaman pinggir di tanaman cabai. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh tanaman pinggir dan refugia terhadap keanekaragaman dan kehadiran Coccinellidae predator pada tanaman cabai. Penelitian berbentuk eksperimen yang disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan, yaitu: 1) budidaya cabai monokultur, 2) budidaya cabai dan tanaman pinggir, 3) budidaya cabai dan refugia, 4) budidaya cabai, kombinasi tanaman pinggir dan refugia. Percobaan dilakukan pada lahan seluas 35 m x 10 m. Data diolah dengan menggunakan analisis ragam. Jika terdapat perbedaan antar perlakuan, pengolahan dilanjutkan dengan uji Tukey pada taraf nyata 5 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan refugia dan kombinasi refugia dengan tanaman pinggir berpengaruh terhadap jumlah individu, jumlah spesies, keanekaragaman, dan kemerataan Coccinellidae predator. Penanaman tanaman refugia dan tanaman pinggir tidak mampu menarik Coccinellidae predator hadir lebih cepat ke tanaman cabai, tetapi dapat menjadi alternatif pengendalian A. gossypii yang ramah lingkungan dan berpotensi meningkatkan keanekaragaman hayati di lahan pertanian. ABSTRACTAphis gossypii Glover is one of the most destructive pests on chili plants. One environmentally friendly and effective control method for this pest is to use predatory Coccinellidae which have low diversity in chili plants. The presence of predatory Coccinellidae is always naturally later than A. gossypii. Control of these pests can be optimized through ecosystem engineering by planting refugia plants and edge plants in chili plants. This research aims to study the influence of edge plants and refugia on the diversity and presence of predatory Coccinellidae on chili plants. The research took the form of an experiment arranged using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments, namely: 1) monoculture chili cultivation, 2) chili cultivation and edge plants, 3) chili cultivation and refugia, 4) chili cultivation, a combination of edge plants and refugia. The experiment was carried out on an area of 35 m x 10 m. Data were processed using analysis of variance. If there were differences between treatments, processing continued with the Tukey test at a significance level of 5%. The research results showed that refugia and the combination of refugia with edge plants had an effect on the number of individuals, number of species, diversity and evenness of predatory Coccinellidae. Planting refugia plants and edge plants is not able to attract the predatory Coccinellidae present more quickly to chili plants, but can be an environmentally friendly alternative to control A. gossypii and has the potential to increase biodiversity on an agricultural land.  

Author Biography

Siska Efendi, Universitas Andalas

Jurusan Budidaya Perkebunan


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