Forthcoming Articles

Forthcoming articles are articles that have been accepted for publication in the forthcoming issue. Article content conforms to our standards but the presentation is being up to typesetting, proofread and layout works. In addition, titles, authors, abstracts and keywords are subject to change prior to publication.  Articles will not be published until the final proofs are validated by their authors. These articles can be cited using the expression "in press", for example: Stevens, J.  Year.  Article Title. Journal Title, (in press).

Dynamics Of Household Food Security Pre and Post The Covid-19 Pandemic In Bengkulu Province
Putri Suci Asriani, hariz eko wibowo, Ketut Sukiyono, Netta Agusti
Abstract:  The food security index for Bengkulu province has changed after the Covid-19 pandemic. The main challenge in supporting food security at the household level is building community capacity and independence to overcome food problems. Information is needed regarding factors that impact household food security in Bengkulu Province, including the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. This research aims to analyze the factors that impact household food security in Bengkulu Province and comprehend the dynamics before and after the Covid-19 pandemic on household food security. This research can be used as a brief policy basis for the Bengkulu Province Government. This research uses multinomial logistic regression analysis to determine the factors that influence household food security. The results of multinomial logistic regression analysis show that the variables that have a significant impact on household food security are pre-post pandemic, home ownership status, type of lighting, recipients of the Family Hope Program (PKH), adequate sanitation, and average household expenditure. The dynamic that occurred was a decrease in energy consumption levels in self-owned households and households that did not receive PKH after the Covid-19 pandemic. Significant changes occurred in households with non-PLN lighting types. Households with inadequate sanitation are more likely to experience food insecurity. The impact of the pandemic tends to be higher on larger household expenditures
KeywordsDynamics, Household Food Security, Multinomial Logistic Regression

Gender relations and access to domestic rural water services in Manyoni district, Tanzania
Fredrick Alleni Mfinanga, Zacharia Masanyiwa, Gemma Mafwolo, Stephen Erick
Abstract: This study was conducted in Manyoni District in Tanzania to examine gender relations in access to domestic water services. Specifically, the study examined the household division of labour, and household power relations in access to domestic water services in rural areas. The study used a cross-sectional research design whereby data were collected using semi-structured interviews and Focus Group Discussions from 191 households randomly selected from two wards. Quantitative data were analyzed for descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentages and inferential statistics the chi-square test. Qualitative data were analyzed by using content analysis. The findings show that due to the traditional gender division of labor at the household level, women were the major seekers of domestic water for their households although some indications of equity in the household division of labor were also reported between boys and girls. Furthermore, most of the non-monetary decisions on access to domestic water were assigned to women whereas men were involved in the monetary decisions like paying user fees. It was concluded that gender relations played a role in access to domestic water services in the study area. It was recommended that the government should provide more improved water sources in rural areas to ensure access to many households, hence, reducing women’s burden of fetching water from distant sources and improving the welfare of women in rural areas 
Keywords: Gender division of labour; water access; rural areas 

