Journal of Socioeconomics and Development

Journal of Socioeconomics and Development or abbreviated as JSeD is a peer-reviewed and open-access academic journal, publishes high-quality and original research or review articles from all over the world. The JSeD is managed by The Study Program of Socioeconomics (Agribusiness), Agriculture Faculty, Widyagama University of Malang, INDONESIA. The JSeD is published biannually in April and October.

ISSN 2615-6075 (online), 2615-6946 (print); Crossref - DOI Prefix: 10.31328/jsed

The publisher of the JSeD is Badan Penerbit Universitas Widyagama Malang (UWG Press), see location map. The JSeD was first published in April 2018.

The JSeD publishes articles of high-quality empirical research and literature reviews in social and economic fields, primarily addressing development issues in developing or emerging countries.

The JSeD has been accredited by The Indonesian Ministry of Education
1. SINTA 3, decision No. 85/M/KPT/2020 for the periods of Vol 1, No 1 (April) 2018 to Vol 2, No 2 (October) 2019 (download the certificate)
2. SINTA 2, decision No. 148/M/KPT/2020 for the periods of Vol 3, No 1 (April) 2020 to Vol 7, No 2 (October) 2024 (download the certificate)

The JSeD publishes articles not merely to reveal research findings or prove statistical hypothesis testing against a theoretical framework. The main emphasis of the JSeD journal is to present in-depth research or review articles that have an impact or imply an economic and social development perspective. Each article is encouraged to present scientific findings, discussion and promote research implication (by synthesizing) for the more crucial or comprehensive side so that they can be useful for development policy making, and for the needs of decision makers in government, society or industry. The whole manuscript ranges from 4,500 to 8,000 words in length, not including Tables and Figures

We are pleased to invite authors from all over the world to submit manuscripts. The automatic waiver of article processing charge (APC) is applied to foreigner or non-Indonesian affiliated authors who first published the article in this journal. See the cost waiver policy.

Authors are required to adhere to the writing guidelines as conscientiously as possible, as shown in the manuscript template. Editors can revise and edit the manuscript without changing the substance and content for format/layout consistency prior to publication.

Vol 7, No 1 (2024): April

Available online 20 March 2024; publish 10 articles;  Indonesia authors and co-authors (10), United Republic of Tanzania authors and co-authors (5), and Vietnam author and co-author (2)

Table of Contents


Iwan Nugroho
Hal. v-x

Research Articles

Abd. Rahim, Diah Retno Dwi Hastuti, Abdul Malik, Wardihan Sabar, Irwandi Irwandi
Hal. 1-13
Muhammad Fathurrahman Mulyawan, Ernoiz Antriyandarti, Ho Ngoc Son
Hal. 14-23
Zulkenedi Said, Syamsir Syamsir
Hal. 24-37
Ami Retno Larasati, Riyanti Isaskar, Silvana Maulidah
Hal. 38-51
Rina Kurniati
Hal. 52-67
Riska Putri Meilinda, Mahrus Lutfi Adi Kurniawan
Hal. 68-76
Rio Cahyo Hartono, Anthon Efani, Susilo Susilo
Hal. 77-88
Laurent Joseph
Hal. 89-103
Fredrick Alleni Mfinanga, Zacharia Samwel Masanyiwa, Gemma Mafwolo, Stephen Bishibura Erick
Hal. 104-114