Tinjauan Sosiologi Hukum Terhadap Faktor Pemberian Labeling Oleh Warganet Kepada Oknum Aparat Penegak Hukum Yang Menyimpang
Community, Social Media, NormsAbstract
Legal norms that already exist in Indonesia must be obeyed by all Indonesian people, especially law enforcement officers, which has become part of their obligations. However, deviant behavior is often found among law enforcement officers themselves, especially unscrupulous individuals. Not a few cases of irregularities committed by law enforcement officials. On social media, many netizens label law enforcement officers, this is because there are many irregularities committed by law enforcement officers. This causes public confidence in Law Enforcement Officials. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors causing the labeling of law enforcement officers who deviate and make a positive contribution to legal elements so that law enforcement is more effective. To achieve this goal, the research was conducted using a qualitative analysis method, namely a research method that requires descriptive analysis of data, namely something that was said by the informant listed through the internet. The community factor that gives labels to law enforcement officers who deviate is because of the law itself and the factor of the law enforcement officers themselves. Labeling contained in Sociological Theory, tends to be given to people with behavioral disorders who do not meet social standards with societal norms. Various efforts must be made to improve the performance of law enforcement officers, starting from the process of implementing the recruitment of law enforcement officers to sanctions that must be enforced more than violations.References
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Postgraduate Master of Law, Universitas Widya Gama, Malang, Indonesia.